P-05-880 Wales is Rapidly Losing its Musical Reputation and Heritage

This petition was submitted by Active Music Services having collected 1,745 signatures online and 481on paper, a total of 2,226 signatures.


Text of Petition

* We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to produce an urgent National Plan for Music Education with dedicated central funding in line with the rest of the UK. This will ensure that affordable musical instrument and vocal tuition is available as a right for all children in Wales.


* The Music Services in Wales are integral to the development of Music Education as part of the creative curriculum across all domains.


* The contribution made by the Music Industry and Music Services to the economy and the well-being of the people of Wales is too important to ignore.


* Young people in Wales studying music at A-level has halved in 10 years while GCSE entries have fallen by 40%.


* Austerity is not an excuse for the Welsh Government to allow the decline of Music Services. Austerity should be the reason to invest in the equality of access for all and the sustainability of our communities.


Please sign this petition to support the campaign to stop the decline of Music Education in Wales.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Cynon Valley

·         South Wales Central